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However, no study has assessed the reliability of this landmark. We therefore asked whether the linea aspera could be used as a rotational landmark for positioning distal femoral knee megaprostheses. The linea aspera is a prominent longitudinal ridge or crest, on the middle third of the bone, presenting a medial and a lateral lip, and a narrow rough, intermediate line. It is an important insertion point for the adductors and the lateral and medial intermuscular septa that divides the thigh into three compartments . Ventralt finns en skrovlig och tunn kant, linea intertrochanterica, som från trochanter major riktas nedåt mot trochanter minor. Lårbenets skaft, corpus ossis femoris, är smalt, långt och lätt böjt.
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The study was carried out on 90 femurs. linea aspera was widest at its lower one-third. In majority of bones the lateral ridge was the most prominent, and the largest nutrient foramen of femur was most commonly located at the level of proximal one-third of linea aspera. In its course, in proximity of the linea aspera, the nerve is exposed to unexpected neuropathic syndromes associated with bone disorders. Case Description: A 67-year-old woman presented with a painful, neuropathic syndrome of the sciatic nerve, not resulting from any trauma and persisting for approximately 2 years. 2020-03-14 · It attaches to the linea aspera on the posterior surface of the femur, proximal to the adductor longus. Actions: Adduction of the thigh.
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is nearly obliterated; that the trochantir has subsiiled nearly to a level with the articulaJ head; and that the trochha is circumscribed by two equal-sized lips. The femur of the Camel more nearly resembles that of Man. It is long, slender, and curved backwards.
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Results The linea aspera was externally rotated in most femora evaluated; average angles of rotation were 15.4°, 14°, 11.7°, and 11.5° at 10, 15, 20, and 25 cm from the intercondylar line Pectineus is inserted by aponeurosis into the lower part of the small trochanter and the line leading down from it to the linea aspera for about 2 inches or more : Adductor longus is on the continuation of this line, occupying the middle third of the length of the shaft. This article has been classified as relating to gross anatomy. Image and Explanation [ edit ] For anyone new to Anatomy, this article is difficult to understand what and where Linea Aspera is located and its function without proper visuals, explanation and images. Linea Aspera – Resultatinriktad Naturlig Hud & Kroppsvård. Följ oss på Facebook anatomyEXPERT - Linea aspera - Structure Detail. Select Structure. Adductor tubercle Femur Greater trochanter Head of femur Intertrochanteric line Lateral condyle of the femur Lateral epicondyle of the femur Lesser trochanter Lower limb - bones of Medial condyle of the femur Medial epicondyle of the femur Neck of the femur Patellar surface.
of Anatomy 198. s 137-152. Heathcote, G. M., Diego, V. P., Ishida,
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Die vordere und grössere Portion des M. adductor magnus befestigte sich grösstentheils an der Linea aspera mit dem M. Journal af Anatomy and Phys . Vol .
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In the erect posture it is not vertical, being separated above from its fellow by a considerable interval, which corresponds to the breadth of the pelvis, but inclining gradually downward and medialward, so as to approach its fellow toward its lower Linea Aspera. 27,023 likes · 44 talking about this. linea [lin´e-ah] (L.) line. linea al´ba white line; the tendinous median line on the anterior abdominal wall between the two rectus muscles.
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The most pronounced part of the posterior surface is the linea aspera. This is a raised longitudinal impression that runs along the long axis of the femur. It is made 1Department of Angiology, Chair of Anatomy, Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, A better knowledge of the anatomical variations of the linea aspera may be Linea aspera: 9 muscles attach to the linea aspera. All 3 vastus muscles (lateralis , medialis, and intermedius), all three "adductor" muscles (longus, Adductor longus originates from the pubis and expands into a fan shape, inserting onto the linea aspera of the femur. Actions include hip adduction and medial Define linea aspera. linea aspera synonyms, linea aspera pronunciation, linea Morphological and Topographical Anatomy of Nutrient Foramen in The Lower The frequency of the each type in female and male was also described. Better knowledge of the anatomical variations of the linea aspera may be helpful in The linea aspera is a prominent longitudinal ridge or crest, on the middle third of the bone, presenting a medial and a lateral lip, and a narrow rough, intermediate 11.3--Muscle Groups.
ANATOMY - Appendicular Skeleton. 20 terms.