doi 9 Jul 2017 However, such 'intra-EU mobility' was hardly a problem and not really politicised until the influx of CEE labour migrants in the countries of the 'old 19 Mar 2015 In this video, Dr Michael Johns discusses the impact of the EU's eastern expansion on migration patterns within the EU, and explores the fears 29 Jan 2020 Intra‐EU mobility has emerged as an ambivalent phenomenon. How do intra‐ EU migrants react to the crisis in the welfare state – both in 31 Mar 2015 demographic studies on intra-EU mi address different aspects of the comp intra- EU migration. Specifically, the context, i.e. labour market laws 10 May 2019 Two factors have driven the growth in intra-EU labour mobility.[1] the main destinations for migrants from central and eastern EU countries.
the idea that immigrants' access to the welfare system should be. 3 Mar 2014 Intra-EU Mobility Paradigm change: Increasing demand for skilled employees calls for recruiting skilled employees abroad Migration balance Theme: Migration flows, refugee crisis, territorial impactScopeRefugee crisis is one of the hottest topics on the EU agenda. The recent VVA Europe, IT (lead contractor); Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale, IT; InTER - Insitute for Territ 16 Aug 2016 They show European migration split into various numbers: 1. The percentage of the population of each country that is made up of foreign-born 20 mars 2018 de la mobilité intra-européenne, de l'accueil des réfugiés et de leur People on the move: migration and mobility in the European Union 28 May 2019 Migration flows in the European Union Data comes from the European Commission's Annual Report on Intra-EU Labour Mobility. Spend The overall population of many European countries is expected to increase and destination countries for intra-European migration flows (Source: GISCO, 2009). Figure 5: Map showing expected primary flow directions of EU migration , 11 Aug 2016 The EU's cherished free-movement rights are less secure than they seem | Europe. 27 Oct 2020 The number of migrants illegally entering the European Union via Turkey this year has dropped sharply, according to a media report.
Company mobility: Parliament asks Commission to table intra
French president Macron has recently caused controversy with his contrast of extra-EU legal immigration and intra-EU illegal movements of EU/EUAA people: Last week, the right-wing French magazine Valeurs Actuelles published an interview with Macron who said he favored legal quota-based migration to illegal workers, contrasting Guinean or Ivorian migrants who work legally to "clandestine gangs of Bulgarians and Ukrainians." 26 million refugees and. 45.7 million internally displaced persons. Fact to consider: 10% of all the world’s refugees and only a fraction of internally displaced persons were living in the EU in 2019. The share of refugees in the EU is 0.6% compared to its total population.
Publikationer Centrum för global migration, Göteborgs
27 Oct 2020 The number of migrants illegally entering the European Union via Turkey this year has dropped sharply, according to a media report. The figure With the decision 2008/381/EC, the European Migration Network gets a legal basis in EU level. In this framework Greece participates in the Network actively.
In this briefing, “EU migrants” are defined as people living in an EU country who were born in or are nationals of another EU country. The “net-migration stock” between two EU countries is defined as the number of people from EU country Y living in EU country X minus the number of people from country X living in country Y.
Unintended Obstacles to Intra-EU Migration - The Case of Munich, Germany Pfaff, Michael LU () STVM23 20151 Department of Political Science. Mark; Abstract One of the fundamental rights in the European Union is the Freedom of Movement of Persons. Intra-EU labour migration: flows, effects and policy responses. This working paper is an update of the 2009/3 ETUI Working Paper that was itself an abridged and revised version of the introductory chapter of the book EU Labour Migration since Enlargement: Trends, Impacts and Policies. The book, published by Ashgate in May 2009, was edited by the
French president Macron has recently caused controversy with his contrast of extra-EU legal immigration and intra-EU illegal movements of EU/EUAA people:. Last week, the right-wing French magazine Valeurs Actuelles published an interview with Macron who said he favored legal quota-based migration to illegal workers, contrasting Guinean or Ivorian migrants who work legally to "clandestine gangs
Quantitatively, the flows of intra-EU migration have tended to go from the periphery of Europe to its core countries.
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Furthermore, these schemes – and also regular Download Citation | INTRA-EU MIGRATION FROM SLOVAKIA | This paper focuses on migration from Slovakia in the context of migration from the 10 countries … Most intra-EU migrants live in Germany, the UK, France, Spain or Italy. These five countries host 72% of total immigrants in the EU28, and 75% of working age adults from another EU state (figure 1.1). The picture is the same if we consider only migrations from a new member state resulting from EU intra-EU migration, with Romania at estimated 986.000 persons (592.000 in EU21) and Poland at estimated 400.000 (240.000 in EU21).
This article explores how these workers, who often face difficult situations, may be more vulnerable now.
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Migration and mobility Eurofound
In fact, the two consecutive expansions of the European Union (EU) in 2004 and 2007 generated one of the largest mass movements of people in Europe since World War II ( Johns, 2014 ). Intra-EU bilateral migration stocks increased 28% on average after the implementation of the free movement of people. Since intra-EU migration between 1960 and 2015 doubled (see Figure 1) our results suggest that free movement explains around one-quarter of the total migration stock changes in this period. The implementation of the free movement of people is one of the main factors explaining the migration shifts within the EU during this period. Intra-European Migrants.
Årlig rapport om migration och asyl Annual Report on
Specifically, the context, i.e. labour market laws 10 May 2019 Two factors have driven the growth in intra-EU labour mobility.[1] the main destinations for migrants from central and eastern EU countries.
Invited presentation: "Intra-European Migration to Rural Areas: Identity construction among av D Halvarsson · 2014 — utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik och migration – har medlemsländer överlämnat hela eller intra-EU handel av varor och att tjänstehandeln ökat med ca 43 procent mobilitet? Arbetskraftsmigration från Litauen till Sverige to the understanding of intra-EU mobility, with a focus on labour migration from Lithuania to Sweden. European Journal of Industrial Relations 25(2): 129-145. Refslund, Bjarke & Thörnquist, Annette (2016) Intra-European labour migration and low-. We will discuss how relatively privileged white migrants mobilise unequal resources in their strategies of social mobility and social distinction, and how migration Different shades of Whiteness: White migration and re-imaginaries of race, Intra-European Migration and the institutionalization of whiteness in southern This has become a contentious issue in public debates on intra-EU migration. Cornelius Cappelen and Ragnhild Muriaas from the Department My fields of research are migration, education, welfare, transnationalism, youth This is a large scale, international project concerning transnational intra EU temporary migration programmes in 2016 (including intra‐EU posted workers).