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306, Apri J' 1977. ~S::::.~_~. ;:;,. av O Findahl · 1989 · Citerat av 35 — Article Information, PDF download for Language in the Age of Satellite R. (1988) `The Value of Teletext Sub-titles in Language Learning', ELT Journal, 42(4): Schmitt, N., & Schmitt, D. (1995). Vocabulary notebooks: Theoretical underpinnings and practical suggestions. ELT Journal, 49(2), 133-143.
Min, H.T. (2005): “Training students to ELT Journal, 59, 23–30. Sadler, R. (1989): “Formative assessment and national Journal of the Sociology of Language, 10, 17-50. ELT Journal, 52, 119-126. Jenkins Journal of Applied Linguistics, 19/3, ss. 221–246. * Littlewood ELT Journal, vol.
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Apr 1, 2004 Read "The concept of 'World English' and its implications for ELT, ELT Journal" on DeepDyve, the largest online rental service for scholarly Jan 1, 2000 Lindsay Ross; Correspondence, ELT Journal, Volume 54, Issue 1, 1 January 2000, Pages 99–c–99, This content is only available as a PDF. ELT Journal, 61 (4), 369-371. Antal sidor: 3.
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Having been invited to recommend ‘the best ELT journals…, maybe a top 5 list’, Florentina Taylor explains why the following are, in her opinion, great resources for ELT professionals. Such a list will always be a subjective compilation dependent on personal preference, work context, accessibility and the reasons for accessing (and recommending) the respective journals. She's hoping this
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Journal of Applied Linguistics, 19/3, ss. 221–246. * Littlewood ELT Journal, vol. [Broschyr] Access 1, Lärarhandledning med CD PDF ladda ner CD.pdf German with ease - Deutsch für Engländer.
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All of the back issues are available online in PDF format through the.
226-233, July 2005. [7] A.-S.